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October 5, 2013

Tannoura Dance

By on 6:03 PM

The "Whirling Dervishes" fraternity of Sufis (an order of Muslim mystics) was founded in Turkey in 13th century by a Persian poet whose popular title was Mawlana ("our master"). Along with the Ottoman expansion, this order spread through the Islamic world up to Syria and Egypt.

The Dervish dance was part of a Muslim ceremony whose purpose is to glorify God and seek spiritual perfection. The dance area is circular and everything is according to a central plan symbolizing the Universe. The philosophical meaning of the spinning movement is based on the idea that the world begins at a certain point and ends at the same point; therefore the dervishes sit in a circle listening to music.

The Dervish dance is the origin of another folkloric dance, which is very common in Egypt, called "Tannoura dance". Though very similar to the Mawlawi dance, it does not share the same beliefs and religious rituals, as it is only considered an entertainment. Twisting and turning, the multicolored dress of the dervish creates the illusion of a human kaleidoscope.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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